Guidelines B

Academic Promotions

Guide and Checklist for Applicants to Level B.



The intent of this document is to provide an overview of the academic promotion process for applications to level B at Curtin University, Malaysia. It has tools and tips to assist you to prepare your application for promotion.

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The academic promotion process is supported by the Academic Promotions Procedures, available on the Curtin Malaysia staff portal webpage. The process is managed by your Faculty and supported by Human Resources Department.

Promotion is assessed by your Head of Department (HOD) and approved by your Faculty Dean.

Application to level B may be made throughout the year as part of the Performance Management Programme (PMP) process. Consideration for promotion can occur:

  • At your annual PMP meeting with your Head of Department; or
  • By request from you for a PMP promotion meeting with your HOD.

The application form is available for download from the promotions webpage.

Full-time and fixed term academic staff are eligible to apply for promotion and who have completed 12 months continuous service since appointment at Curtin Malaysia.


In order to show further evidence to meet the promotion criteria, it is advised that unsuccessful applicants wait 18 months to 2 years before reapplying.


Promotion to level B requires a doctoral degree. A case of equivalence must be made to the Pro Vice-Chancellor by your Faculty Dean in the application process. If your case is not supported, your application for promotion will not progress and you will be notified of the decision.

Contact the Human Resources Department if you intend to apply without a doctoral degree.

You are required to demonstrate evidence of overall high performance at your current level, appropriate to your academic role, in two criteria:

  • Teaching & Research staff: Service & Leadership and either Learning & Teaching or Research/Creative works.
  • Research Academic staff: Service & Leadership and Research/Creative works.
  • Teaching Academic staff: Service & Leadership and Learning & Teaching.

Information on the type of evidence required is outlined in the Academic Capability Framework.

When writing your performance review for your promotion PMP, make clear, concise, evidence-based statements that highlight the quality outcomes and outputs achieved in your role and duties. Wherever possible, show evidence of excellence in performance and outcomes. Clarify if your duties are at Department, Faculty, University, state, national or international level.

Promotion will recognise and reward you for overall sustained high performance, relative to opportunity, in duties appropriate to your current level and academic role, and capacity to perform satisfactorily at the level you have applied for. Take into consideration are your achievements since appointment or last application for promotion, and the level of impact and quality of your activities.

It will usually takes working at Curtin for 2 years to show evidence of sustained performance and impact.

Your HOD will assess each criteria you are applying under, as follow:

  • Learning & Teaching: the quality and currency of your teaching, and unit design (including assessments), course/curriculum design and the calibre of scholarship, as applicable.
  • Research/Creative Works: the calibre, quality and impact of your research and/or creative works with particular reference to expected norms in your discipline area(s).
  • Service & Leadership: your personal contribution, University and community citizenship, and effectiveness as a leader and the impact you have on staff, students and the Faculty.

Your Faculty Dean will comment on your suitability to be promoted and approve your promotion.


You will need to advise the Human Resources Department of any perceived, actual or potential conflict of interest with your HOD or Faculty Dean. Please refer to the Conflict of Interest Procedures. Alternative arrangements to access your application will be made by Human Resources, if it is determined that you have a conflict of interest with your HOD or Faculty Dean.


Official notification of the outcome will be sent to your Curtin University, Malaysia email address from your Faculty.


The effective date for promotion is from the pay period commencing on or after the date of approval, whichever comes first. Human Resources will ensure your promotion details are updated in the HR information system.


Please contact your HOD to receive feedback and advice on your career trajectory.


For assistance and advice about applying for promotion email

If you are intending to apply for academic promotion to level B, the below checklist will assist you with planning your application:

□ I have read all the information in this guide
□ I have made a time to meet with my HOD for promotion meeting and stated my intent to apply for academic promotion to level B