
Procedure Number : PRO-HR/OED-03
Title : Academic Promotion Procedure
Effective Date : October 2013
Category (2nd level of CCV) : Human Resources, Employee Development
Organisational Unit : Human Resources Department

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The procedure support the Employee Performance and Development Policy

The procedure applies to full time and continuing fixed-term academic at Curtin Malaysia.

Academics who are employed under part-time basis or fixed term contract (<1 year)

4.1. Processes covered by procedures
There are two separate processes for academic promotion:
(a) Promotion to level B which is assessed at the Faculty level; and
(b) Promotion to levels C, D and E which is assessed by the University Academic Promotions Committee (UAPC).



4.2. Conditions of promotion
4.2.1. Promotion attained while on a fixed-term contract applies for the duration of the contract and subsequent contracts either fixed-term or continuing.
4.2.2. Promotion attained whilst on secondment within the University applies for the duration of the secondment and to the substantive position appointment.



4.3. Promotion criteria
The performance criteria for promotion are detailed in Academic Capability Framework.



4.4. Promotion to level B
4.4.1. Application submission Promotion to level B can be considered at the Annual Performance Evaluation (PMP) meeting or through request by applicant for promotion meeting with their Head of Department (HOD) Applications must be submitted on the relevant application form available in the staff portal.
4.4.2. Promotion criteria for level B Applicants must demonstrate evidence of overall high performance (i.e. Annual Performance Evaluation rated as Above Expectations) at current level as per ACF appropriate to their academic role, against the following promotion criteria:

(a) Service and Leadership; and

(b) One of:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Research/Creative Works
4.4.3. Qualification requirement A level B employee is required to hold a doctoral degree.
4.4.4. Assessment notification Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application within 2 months from the date of submission of the complete academic promotion form.
4.4.5. Process for unsuccessful applicants Unsuccessful applicants will receive verbal feedback from the Head of Department or Faculty Dean on quality and body of their work in relation to the promotion criteria and the improvements required in order to strengthen a further application.
4.4.6. Effective date of promotion Promotion will be effective from the pay period commencing on or after the date of approval.



4.5. Promotion to levels C, D and E
Intending applicants must have completed 24 months continuous service since appointment or most recent promotion.

Unsuccessful applicants is not eligible to apply in the next promotion round.

4.5.1. Promotion rounds One promotion round may be conducted each year for promotion to levels C, D and E.
4.5.2. Promotion criteria for levels C, D and E

Applicant will provide evidence of their sustained high performance (i.e. Annual Performance Evaluation rated as Above Expectations) at their current level as per ACF and the potential to perform at least to the minimum standard of academic performance for the level of promotion applied for. Teaching and Research Staff

Applicants who are employed in an academic teaching and research role will demonstrate evidence of overall high performance at current level against the following promotion criteria:

  • Learning and Teaching;
  • Research/Creative Works; and
  • Service and Leadership. Research Academic Staff

Applicants who are employed in a research role will demonstrate evidence of overall high performance at current level against the following promotion criteria:

(a) Research/Creative Works; and
(b) Service and Leadership

Research applicants may also elect to address the Learning and Teaching criteria. Teaching Academic Staff

Applicants who are employed in a research role will demonstrate evidence of overall high performance at current level against the following promotion criteria:

(a) Learning and Teaching; and
(b) Service and Leadership

Teaching academics would not normally address Research/Creative Works, however applicants may elect to address the Research/Creative Works criteria.

4.5.3. Qualification requirement Academic staff employed in a teaching academic role are not required to hold a doctoral degree for promotion to levels C, D and E. In other academic roles, promotion to levels C, D and E requires a doctoral degree. Where an applicant does not hold a doctoral degree, a case for equivalence must be made to the University Academic Promotions Committee by the Head of Department and the Faculty Dean.
4.5.4. Application submission Application must be submitted on the relevant application form available in the Staff Portal.
4.5.5. Assessment and approval Applications are assessed by the University Academic Promotions Committee which makes recommendations to the Pro Vice-Chancellor for approval. All applicants will receive written notification regarding the outcome of their application.
4.5.6. Process for unsuccessful applicants The Chair of the University Academic Promotions committee will contact all unsuccessful applicants and the Faculty Dean will provide unsuccessful applicants with feedback on their application. An unsuccessful applicant may apply to the Pro-Vice Chancellor for a review of the outcome where it can be demonstrated that a significant procedural irregularity has occurred in the application process that potentially affects the outcome. Applicants must submit their application through the Human Resources Manager within 14 working days from the date of the unsuccessful notice.
4.5.7. Effective date of promotion Unless an alternative date is authorized by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, promotion for successful applicants will be effective 1 January of the following year.
4.5.8. University Academic Promotions Committee The committee consists of a pool of members:

(a) Pro Vice-Chancellor (ex-officio);
(b) Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor (ex-officio);
(c) Dean Research and Development (ex-officio);
(d) Dean Learning and Teaching (ex-officio);
(e) Faculty Dean from each of the faculties (ex-officio) and
(f) Two professor selected by the Chair from a panel of four nominated by the Academic Board for a term of up to 3 years. The two professorial members will be selected in a manner which is mindful of achieving gender balance and a balance of expertise and skills in research, teaching, service and leadership. The position of Chair will be undertaken by the Pro Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor may nominate the Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor to act as Chair. A quorum of five members is required, including the Chair. Professorial members are eligible for re-appointment subject to nomination for the Academic Board. To assist with its deliberations, the Committee may invite persons to attend who can provide informed or expert comment in relation to a discipline area. In accordance with the University’s Conflict of Interest Procedure, all committee members will declare any conflict of interest arising as a member of the Committee.

Table 1 below provides a summary of the relevant approval authority for processes covered in these procedures.

Table 1: Summary of relevant approval authority

Level B Faculty Dean Pro Vice-Chancellor
Promotion of applicants:

  • Successful
  • Unsuccessful
  • Approve
  • Notify applicant
  • Notify applicant and provide feedback
  • To be notified
Promotion of applicants without a doctoral degree:

  • Successful
  • Unsuccessful
  • Recommend
  • Notify applicant
  • Notify applicant and provide feedback
  • Approve

Level C, D and E Faculty Dean UAPC
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Promotion of applicants:

  • Successful
  • Unsuccessful
  • Provide feedback
  • Recommend
  • Approve
Review of process
(unsuccessful applicants only)
  • To be notified
  • Approve and notify applicant

5.1 The Pro Vice-Chancellor is responsible for reviewing and reporting on the academic promotions process annually, including any out-of-round outcomes.

5.2 Faculty Deans are responsible for ensuring that the promotions documentation for each applicant applying for promotion to level B is kept in accordance with the University’s Recordkeeping policy

5.3 The Human Resources Manager or nominee is responsible for:
(a) Processing successful applications in the Human Resources Information System; and

(b) Ensuring that records of promotions process for levels C, D and E are kept in accordance with the University’s Recordkeeping Policy.

6.1 Application for Academic Promotion to Level B

6.2 Application for Promotions to Levels C, D and E

7.1 Staff Portal – Academic Promotions webpage

7.2 Academic Capability Framework

Policy Manager Pro Vice-Chancellor
Contact Officer Human Resources Manager
Telephone 6085 630 100
Approval Authority Pro Vice-Chancellor
Date of Approval 20/8/2019
Assigned Review Period 2 years
Date of Next Review 20/8/2023

Version Number Approved/ Rescinded Date Approved/ Rescinded Resolution Number/ Minutes Reference Reason for & Details of Amendment
New Steering Committee
1.0 Amended 08/2010
2.0 Amended 2015 Changes made with accordance to Curtin Bentley Academic Promotion Procedure.
3.0 Amended 2017 Changes made with accordance to Curtin Bentley Academic Promotion Procedure.
4.0 Amended 18/12/2018 RA/23/2018 Changes made to item 4.4
5.0 Amended Changes made to the following as per requested by Academic Promotion Committee Chair:

Item 4.4.3, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.3 and appendices.

6.0 Amended 20/8/2019 RA/05/2019 Changes made to item 4.5 as per requested by Academic Promotion Committee.
6.1 Amended 20/8/2021 Changes made with accordance to Curtin Bentley Academic Promotion Procedures