PQA – Strategic Planning at Curtin Malaysia

Strategic Planning at Curtin Sarawak

The CSM Strategic Plan with its appropriate goals and objectives provides oversight and guidance to organizational units to support the Campus towards its vision and mission. The Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013 includes the Campus Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The CSFs are the essential elements which are vital to the success of the Campus and the KPIs reflect the successful outcomes of these fundamental factors. Hence, the KPIs were built from the CSFs to ensure that only progress and achievements that really matter are measured and tracked.

Curtin Planning Framework

Levels of Planning in Curtin Sarawak

There are three levels of planning in the Campus.

Level 1 : Campus level

(a). Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013 (Every 4  years)

  • Long term plan
  • Review/revision of Mission, Vision and Values
  • Review/revision of the long term (4 years) Strategic Plan
  • Develop and identify strategic initiatives, processes, action plans, targets, and mechanism to monitor progress.

(b). Operational Priorities (Annually)

  • Short term plan
  • Develop and reviewed annually based on current progress and overarching Strategic Plan
  • Identify and agree on Campus targets, initiatives, performance indicators and measures.
  • Assign responsibilities

Level 2 : School and Area  level

  • Operationalise the annual operational priorities by implementing the targets, action and initiatives in the Annual Operational Priorities
  • Develop unit based initiatives to deliver targets
  • Budget allocations for the initiatives

Level 3: individual level

  • Alignment  of individual activities with the SP and OP
  • Operationalise the plans at the staff/individual level

Integration of Planning and Quality Management
The strategic planning process complements the tracking of performance and quality enhancement processes to maximise and improve current practices for optimal outcomes.  PQA coordinates: the annual planning in the school and units: the implementation and monitoring of the KPIs scorecard; and the continuation and completion of the annual Continuous Improvement Cycle (CIC) (link to ADRI & CIC).